Planning to enjoy the Mosquito Range during the Winter? Be sure you know the risks in the backcountry - check the Avalanche Forecast
The MRHI study area is full of recreational opportunities from spectacular photography scenes, fishing and wildlife viewing, hiking trails, established camp sites, winter snowshoe and cross-country trails to mountain climbing, biking, off roading and ATV trails. MRHI is working to enhance these opportunities and develop more though working with land owners and the agencies involved to improve legal access through trail maintenance and signage to many areas including some of the 14’er peaks. At the same time, MRHI is working to protect areas of rare and fragile ecosystems and places of historic and cultural importance, at times helping to close access in order to preserve these areas. Please enjoy and respect the Mosquito Range and join us in these important endeavors so that others may safely have the same opportunities in the future!
Recreation Opportunities
MRHI seeks to conserve and enhance recreational resources with special attention to areas that may be damaged by overuse or misuse. With our volunteers and partners we continue to conduct basic maintenance, repair and enhancement on area trails and close illegally created roads/trails causing damage to area resources. We are working to establish and expand legal public trails in a responsible manner. This includes the installation of informational signs to help interpret, guide access and educate the public regarding natural, historic, recreation and/or cultural resources. |
Background Photo By: Jeff Holeman