The magnificent Mosquito Range was home to thousands of 19th Century miners living in makeshift
communities, working gold and silver mines. Visible clues to this colorful past still cling precariously
to the steep slopes above each valley. This rich heritage, along with the area's remarkable natural and
recreational resources, provided the impetus for the Mosquito Range Heritage Initiative (MRHI).
Mining claims that once afforded hiking, camping, and rock hounding opportunities are now being
fenced and posted. Parking and trail access is more limited as new property owners become
concerned about trespassing, vandalism, and liability. Historic mining structures are being stripped of
their weathered exteriors and period artifacts, without regard to their significance or ownership.
Other 19th Century buildings are falling prey to neglect and the elements.
Our historic and cultural resources tell our human story within this Mosquito Range. Our stories are worth preserving. MRHI partners with nonprofit and government organizations who specialize in historic and cultural resources to identify, preserve and restore these precious resources.
communities, working gold and silver mines. Visible clues to this colorful past still cling precariously
to the steep slopes above each valley. This rich heritage, along with the area's remarkable natural and
recreational resources, provided the impetus for the Mosquito Range Heritage Initiative (MRHI).
Mining claims that once afforded hiking, camping, and rock hounding opportunities are now being
fenced and posted. Parking and trail access is more limited as new property owners become
concerned about trespassing, vandalism, and liability. Historic mining structures are being stripped of
their weathered exteriors and period artifacts, without regard to their significance or ownership.
Other 19th Century buildings are falling prey to neglect and the elements.
Our historic and cultural resources tell our human story within this Mosquito Range. Our stories are worth preserving. MRHI partners with nonprofit and government organizations who specialize in historic and cultural resources to identify, preserve and restore these precious resources.
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